Thursday, February 25, 2010

141 Cold War

Backstory: After the Apple Cleanser my throat started to hurt. I assumed it was of those wonderful detox properties inherent to cleanses. In addition to having a few friends who do various other detoxes, I've done the Master Cleanse for a few days in the past and have read up a lot on juice fasts: one common occurrence is for people to experience headaches and a general sense of pseudo-illness as the toxins are being released from the body. The sore throat, I thought nothing of it. The next day it was still around and this morning I woke up sounding not my best with what felt suspiciously like dripping sinuses.
I had thought of doing a fun juice with all my ingredients possibly something with the pineapple (though two of my oranges were eaten already along with who knows what else). Instead I look to the index to see what's good for a cold. I end up on Cold War as I have the ingredients and it sounds pretty good.

Initial Thoughts Before Tasting: I love oranges, I love carrot juice and I often eat garlic when I'm sick and have learned to enjoy it. Usually sliced up cloves on a bread slathered with butter: it's one of those things I love to hate but I really love it in this masochistic way.

4 carrots
1 orange (I peeled it and juiced it with the pith instead of the squeezing method)
1/2 inch (1 cm) ginger root
2 cloves garlic

Thoughts After Tasting: O_o
The smell of the ginger and garlic was a bit overwhelming at first. It's taking me a bit of time to get through one glass and I still have another waiting for me. It seems to taste better as time goes on; that or my taste buds are not taking note of them anymore and the orange is coming through a bit. Not very frothy which is nice. I think I'll stick to making this juice when I'm sick.

Natalie Writes:
"If your chest is feeling congested, you could add half an onion."
I didn't. I'm glad I made that choice. Perhaps in the future I might do that. Thankfully my chest isn't really congested and I fear the onion would have been a bit too much for a first go with this.

Cleaning: Nothing really to note. The filter seemed a bit more clogged (possibly the ginger or garlic?) though the rest was especially easy to clean and there was not much leftover pulp.

Star Rating: 3/5

Notes: Pulp/Froth settles on the bottom very THICK toward the bottom of the glass.

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