Monday, February 1, 2010

Introduction to Natural Blends

Welcome to my journey through juicing!

As a kid, my parents juiced every so often and as their kid, I had to drink their concoctions. Usually consisting of carrots, with perhaps an apple tossed in if I was lucky, these home juices were something I tried to avoid. The tart taste, the frothy foam at the top: even now my inner child shudders a bit when I think back to those times.
Though envisioned as a treat by my parents, from my perspective is was as if they were trying to administer some medicine that didn't taste that great. I've often heard stories by friends, and yes even from my parents, about how their parents made them consume or imbibe something "for their health" and they were just not convinced. Be it liver or cod liver oil, "back in the day" it always tasted terrible and brings back memories of trying to keep something down and not always being successful.

So how does this now bring me to a juicing blog? Where did I take such a turn so as to start getting somewhat intrigued by the world of juicing?

● Perhaps it was the once-every-few-years carrot juice my mom recently made and thoughtfully skimmed off the top froth
● Perhaps I'm just at a place in my life where I have been moving forward and my positive energy has flowed into this aspect of my life
● Perhaps I am finally wise enough to desire the benefits of fresh natural juice, more than lazy
● Perhaps it was after reading various health books and having it finally sink in

All I know is that one glass of carrot juice somehow changed something. I was resigned to having to drink it and with the absence of such resistance I opened myself to something that I discovered I actually enjoy.

Although finding an answer to this might inspire some poor soul out there who still relates to my pre-juicing self, I think what's important to me is to just keep taking one step after another to see where this juicing journey might take me.

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